Thursday, 15 May 2008

My New VAN

No, I have not come into money but I have decided to become more Eco friendly and swap my 4x4 to a more economic van. Yes I did say more Eco friendly and a practical all round good vehicle.
Its practical for shopping, for advertising, the maintenance is cheap, cheap insurance, and it doubles up for personal use too!!
Although it only seats 2, which means only the two of us can go away in it. Kathleen thinks that’s good thing, as she can now take twice as much luggage then before, now we have that extra storage!
The worse part is however I an no longer allowed entrance into the recycling centre, as any singed vehicle with logos or advertising is classed as an unauthorized, unless of course you pay.

So here is the question, why is the government pushing for us to recycling more yet our local authority will not allow businesses to freely do the same without some sort of cost attached? Seems like this is all about how finding a way to collect more then your rubbish from us, unfair really as I already pay refuge collection, and this is on top of my council tax bill, because I am a business.

This is probably why fly tipping is becoming increasingly more popular, is it really cheaper to clear all the fly tipping then to accepted recycling?

So if you see me in my little van parked outside the recycling centre, apologises for the traffic disturbance, I may cause.

So let me have you views – do you think it is easy being Eco friendly???
Please post your thoughts!

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